

Due to the rapid development of global economy, studying abroad isn’t a hard problem now. More and more Chinese families have chances to send their children out to get further study. But it doesn’t make sense unless those children show good attitudes to study. This summer, we were lucky enough to have a 14-day trip to Canada to study in a whole different educational environment. I believe all of my students had a great time studying there and had new ideas and new experience of living and studying.


During the 14 days, we enjoyed plenty of wonderful sights, such as swan lakes, Nigara Falls and the CN Tower. We also met local conditions and customs. It is no doubt that children had broaden their horizons in this trip.

Apart that, all our children not only got to know to be thankful to others who helped them, but also be grateful to their own parents. Because in Canada, students had to learn to do things independently. All hosts showed us great hospitality, but they wouldn’t spoil us. If you need something, you need to ask politely. If it is within your power, you should deal with it by yourself. So this is also a good lesson for us. Our students need to learn to be independent on dealing with ordinary things. 

We received ESL lessons here. At first, students were a little unfamiliar with this kind of lesson. But under the circumstance of English language, it made it easier and faster for students to get used to the lessons. The different models of education also activate students’ interest in English learning. Near the end of the trip, we went to the colleges, students were attracted to the features of teaching there. All of these activities influenced students deeply about how important to learn English well. Only if you are good at English, you can have a better chance to get a better education abroad.

Through the trip, students had more opportunities to know about culture diversities for themselves instead of reading it on books. Moreover, I hope students will be more interested in English learning, know more about the cultural diversities and understand how important the English is in the global situation in the next study. Moreover, 14-days life could help them basically develop the abilities of living independently. At last, i want to tell my students, going abroad isn’t only meant to travel around with endless shopping and trying tasty food, but should be meant to learn about the ideas of living and studying here, to know people here, to feel the nature here and finally enrich yourselves with knowledge and emotion.





14天时间,虽然短促,但是同学们在这里的每一天都过得很充实,一切都是新奇的体验。他们在这里学习ESL课程。它是针对母语非英语的并把英语作为第二语言的语言学习者的专业英文课程。这种高效的语言教学与学习方法在世界范围内都是受认证的。"让英语成为你的第二语言",是ESL课程终极的教学目标! 起初,学生对这种课堂有点陌生。但在纯英语的环境下,他们很快就适应了这些课程,并且与外国学生进行课堂互动,体验了国外独特的教育模式,大大激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。在旅程快结束前,我们参观了多伦多大学和滑铁卢大学,同学们对这两所著名高校产生了巨大的向往之情,纷纷在心中立下美好的志愿。所有的这些活动都深深地使学生认识到学好英语的重要性。只有擅长英语,你才能有更好的机会在国外接受更好的教育。


除了学习知识,我们也欣赏了加拿大的诸多美景,如壮观的Niagara Falls、静谧的天鹅湖、宏伟的CN塔等,同时也领略了当地的风土人情。我们的学生全部入住加拿大当地居民家庭。每个寄宿家庭都是当地教育局精心挑选的优秀家庭。这种homestay模式可以让学生更加直观地接触到纯正的西方文化,同时对学生们外语水平的提高也有很大帮助。这些天的游学历程不单单让学生们提高了英语水平、感受了当地的文化,更让他们收获了一份在海外的父母情。我们的学生从此会在大洋彼岸有了自己的亲人,这样独特的收获想必会成为每个学生宝贵的人生财富。


